Thursday 11 February 2016

Spring Fling.

You guys, I am so ready for Spring. Cold days be gone! Illnesses, I am over you! I am ready to lay back in some sunshine and Summer is far too far away for me to dream about right now - so I'm looking at Spring like the sun peeping through the clouds, and I've put together three rockin' outfits from brands who stock sizes that fit, and know how to dress a gal like me.

Lindy Bop are always, always the first place I look when I feel like a new dress. If I didn't get this floral number, I'd have been all over the Matilda Ice Cream Stripe dress - I've had my eye on that gorgeous little number for a long time now - but I had a vision in my head of frolicking in fields in soft floral and a floppy wicker hat. The British spring time might not be hot enough for this look, but I don't care. I'll whip on a cardi, damnit. I want to frolick.

Things are looking nautical all up in here! The theme wasn't even intentional, I just saw the navy stripe and knew I wanted a nice high-waisted, flowing skirt to tuck it in to. I've had a few tops from Yours and they're always super soft comfy, so they are almost always the first place I look when I'm in the market for a new tee. I don't tend to wear long skirts a lot. In the past this was due to VBO. But I am an enlightened being and it is 2016! So my stomach will get her chance to shine, and she'll be balanced precariously atop platformed shoes, wishing she had learned to walk in anything higher than a flat.

You'd be forgiven for looking at this outfit and not jumping straight to Spring, but it's okay because its fucking badass and I put yellow things in there to make it match the theme. But seriously though, I'm a 'rough with the smooth' kind of girl and I totally appreciate that when it comes to fashion. I like prom dresses and clunky boots, and I like biker leggings and floral headbands. That's just how I roll. I hate that I'm such a cheapskate when it comes to fashion because I am dying to see myself in these togs. 

Alas, the wind doth blow. Spring officially starts next month, but with whisperings of snow at the weekend I am clinging on to pictures of pretty, floral things to get me through. 

Are you desperate for some solar action, too? 
How do you get through the Winter?


  1. It will be no surprise to you that I am drawn like a magpie who has spotted a discarded Kit Kat wrapper (remember when they came in actual foil?!) towards those sexy leather look pants. Fab choices Soph, now I'm dreaming of Spring!

    1. Pressing on the foil to allow the KitKat logo to show through was one of the best bits!! That and opening it by sticking a thumbnail in.
      The trousers are a must have. I'm considering buying them. TELL ME TO STOP!!

  2. I absolutely LOVE these outfits!! All perfect for Spring. I now need to buy all of the things!

  3. Such amazing outfits! I love how you have styled the different options. There's s few things there i would love x

  4. I am loving those floral shoes in the first outfit, they are so cute x



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