Sunday 3 January 2016

How to Handle Competition in a Positive Way

To start this post, I'd like to point out that competition is not an inherently negative thing. In fact, it could be argued that there are no negative situations - it is your reaction to them which counts - and if you are viewing competition as a negative then maybe that reflects more on your attitude and mindset than the situation itself. If you approach competition as a negative it will consume you, and you will become bitter and resentful. So, in order to remain mentally healthy and an all-round positive person, take steps to challenge your negativity and view competition as the positive source of inspiration it can be.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Why are you feeling negative about competition? Do you feel threatened because they are doing something better than you are? Do they have an edge that you just can't grasp? If competition isn't a good thing, then you're not up to the challenge. Get there.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

The best way to dampen a negative fire is to pour positive waters on it. What I mean by that is simple: make nice! Tell your competitor what an inspiration he or she is to you. You don't have to end up best friends, but you may end up learning from each other and stepping up each others games. Plus you will probably discover that your competitor has a lot of admiration for what you're doing too.

Up your game

If somebody is a threat, you need to use that as positive motivation to adapt and improve. Your earnings could potentially be minimised if somebody else is selling what you have to offer, so this is the perfect way to really think about your USP and bank on it. If there were no competition in life, none of us would ever have a reason to get any better.

Consider a collaboration

It's not possible in all situations, but sometimes competition can fizzle out completely if you use it as an opportunity to say "hey! I'm talented, you're talented. Let's do something talented together!". Besides, even if your competitor says no, you get to be the bigger person because you suggested a positive outcome to a potentially negative situation. And that's got to feel pretty rad.


Let's be honest: is it the worst thing in the world if somebody else is doing what you're doing? So somebody gets more blog hits or has a more successful hashtag than you - will it kill you to let it slide? Put your loss into perspective, use the tactics listed above and dust yourself off. Start over.

I'm not saying it will be easy. Goodness knows sometimes I need to give myself a stern talking to because I allow myself to get consumed by taking shots, or even taking pleasure in 'winning' at the expense of the loser. But there is room for everybody to do their thing in this world, and a bad attitude can only lead to bad decisions. Allow yourself to see the positive in every situation and you can't help but feel good, too.


  1. I'm the least competitive person ever! Hence I have a little hobby blog, in my dusty corner of the internet! I do love reading the bigger blogs though, it takes a lot of work and motivation to be successful in the blogging game, interesting read :-)

    1. Totally! There's nothing wrong with being inspired by someone else's success!

  2. Such good advice Soph. I think it's easy to stop enjoying what you're doing because you get so bogged down in the competitive aspect too. I try to remind myself regularly and often why it is I started a blog. That helps me keep it all in perspective to be honest.

    1. Absolutely, perspective is so important - at the end of the day this is nothing more than a space on the internet, not worth losing any sleep!

  3. Good advice, it is easy to get competitive and bogged down in a they do everything better mindset. I try just to be as authentic to me as possible and not follow what other people are doing.



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