Friday 26 February 2016

Cheeky Beaky.

I'm drowning in a river of University work at the moment, but I'm coming up for air to ask a cheeky little favour.

Busy Little Fee has been running for about a year now, but as 2015 drew to a close I began to explore the world of plus size fashion. I've worked really hard to make BLF a happy space full of good fashion, body positivity and a good dollop of general lifestyle. And now the time has come where I ask for something of you in return.

HELLO, THIS IS TACKY. But I would be honoured and touched if I were to be nominated for a British Plus Size Award for Best New Plus Size Blog.

I think I deserve this award because I wear good clothes, I work hard at inducing body positivity in others and I have a voice that matters on the plus size scene.

If you would like to nominate Busy Little Fee as Best New Plus Size Blog, please click here and throw a little nomination to some other awesome plus size people in the other categories too!

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