Friday 23 October 2015

Dear Sammie the Fat Shamer

Dear Sammie,
I don't know you and you don't know me. I had never heard of your blog until you earned your medical degree and told us all that hundreds of scientific studies are wrong and that you are the sole researcher in plus size health (oh you didn't? Shocking.) and you hadn't heard of mine until I linked you to this post. You'll pretend you haven't read it, because that's what you've done to everyone who has presented you solid evidence so far, but hey. If you can exploit your narrow mind for views, why don't we all join in? I'll do it with proper grammar. I don't know what you "was" thinking when you wrote your last post.

I'm not even going to bore you. You know that some illnesses can cause obesity, you're just in too deep to backtrack. You know that mental health is a factor that can lead to illnesses relating to obesity, as well as illnesses regarding reproductive health, or illnesses which affect movement, because you've ignored the evidence proving this countless times over the last few days. And heck, illness or not, my body is not your concern - the only body you should worry about is your own, especially when you are causing people harm under the guise of help. The body you proudly announce you fill with tequila. I won't lecture you on what that does to your health because, guess what? YOUR health is not MY concern. For all I care you can pickle that liver, lady!
In fact, I was able to laugh off everything you said as ignorance and idiocy, nothing that hadn't been disproven before, until you decided to bring kids into it.

Now let me make this clear. I am "short, fat and proud of that". I put some solid man hours into these rolls (sarcasm, darling. Don't raise your blood pressure. Your risk is as great as mine with your alcohol consumption) and I reserve the right to rock them as I see fit. But I have two children and one of them happens to be a nine year old girl. And having her grow up in this whirlpool of self esteem and concern trolls is something I cannot, and will not, let happen.

This is Jelly. Like I said, she's 9. She wears age 12-13 clothing. She isn't fat, but she gets told she is. She got hips from her mama (biologically not me); the same person who gave her her flair for long-distance running (which I'm sure you'll agree takes fitness and motivation). Did you know that society told her to stand at the side of the playground doing jumping jacks because she doesn't fit into age 9 clothing? Did you know that when she was 8 she hid when getting changed at school because she noticed her stomach wasn't as flat as anybody else's? I'd let you know that she stopped eating snacks after that but you'd probably congratulate her. After all, it was you who said that "anorexia takes will power". (I tried to link to your tweet but it shows it has been deleted. Maybe you have some sense that you have overstepped the mark after all) EDIT: I found a screenshot, in all its glory. How AWFUL are you?! I've left your Twitter handle in, because I know how much you're loving the exposure this has brought you.

Jelly is hilarious, strong, fantastic at art, charismatic, personable, empathetic, a bundle of energy and friendly to everybody she meets. But, had she seen your words a few nights ago, she would have been told she was nothing more than the added elastic in her waistband. You are clearly a young woman with a lot of potential; you have shown me that you are committed enough to see an issue through to its bitter end, and I think that if you had some facts behind you and fought for the right things you could even be unstoppable. So why not drop the fight against beautiful bodies (who are usually much healthier than you give them credit for - do the research) and join us in the fight to tell every man, woman and child that he or she deserves to be beautiful, strong and wear fantastic clothing. You never know, it might help you with your own self esteem too.
Good luck with your research, and while you wait here is a post which will tell you how seriously people take medical advice over social media. Just so you don't waste your time again.
Busy Little Fee xo


  1. You responded to such a poisonous campaign with grace and dignity. For that I want to say well done, and thank you. Thank you for putting across a factually accurate and balanced response to 'little blonde Sammie'.

    I tried to have a debate with her, but (as you probably saw), it was to no avail.

    And to think, all of this because she literally couldn't bear to watch fat people buying wedding dresses on Channel 4. It does seem extremely ridiculous.

    I have the (mis)fortune of actually being acquainted with the 'little blonde one', through blogging. And I must admit, she has always been nice to my, and my fat friends faces. Sad, really.
    I do find it interesting that she 'cares' so much about the health of obese people, and the 'burden' we put on the NHS. Especially as she is a smoker, drinker and from what I remember of her restaurant 'reviews' is partial to chips, burgers and fried food.
    But that's ok. I guess she has willpower?

    I digress. Thank you, again, for being reasoned and accurate. Keep up the good fight.

  2. I absolutely love this thank you so much. Soooooo well put together and your argument doesn't offence anyone (unlike hers) will be sharing this post. I have a younger sister who's 8 and my own dad even taunts her about her podgy belly but she's one of the most active kids I know. I hate that she's growing up in a world were its all based of judgements of looks and size and just hope my influence rubs off on her. Thank you again for such a brilliant piece xxx



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