Wednesday 27 April 2016

Guest Post: Busy Little Barbie.

My friend Tanya from Secret Plus Size Goddess wanted to pop over and say hello to help tide me over during exam period, and to help celebrate the rapidly approaching new layout! Thanks for this super fun guest post idea and a really adorable challenge!

So... when the wonderful Busy Little Fee asked for bloggers to write a guest post for her blog, I immediately said yes, I would be more than happy to do one.
But after that, I went into a bit of a meltdown. What the hell was I going to write that would be suitable for someone else's blog? I mean, my random musings on my own blog aren't going to change the World, and If people don't like what I write, then they won't read it. And that is perfectly fine.
When you are writing a post for someone else, it becomes a different kettle of fish. What I write on her blog can affect her readership, and her stats. So I have to get it right.
But all I ever write about it dresses and family. And adventures. None of those really are relevant to me writing a guest blog post. Or are they?
Having a trawl online for new pretties, I decided I would like to use Sophie as my own personal Barbie. By visiting different sites and choosing things I would love to see her in, and that I think she would like I could get quite a different kind of blog post to my normal ones. So here goes
Getting to know Sophie over the past year or so, I think I have a fair idea of things that she may like (or not like)
Hopefully I have got it right, but if I haven't I am sure she will tell me. Whilst some of these choices may not be the right size for her, I chose to include them in the post as they called to me!
I have picked things that I think are cute, that can be worn solo or combined. It's a bit of an eclectic mix of styles. But I like them.
So what exactly did I choose for her......?

One // Two // Three
Sophie says: this outfit is my favourite outfit EVER. The bee is 100% me and that HANDBAG oh good lord.

One // Two // Three
Sophie says: This outfit is SUPER classy and I'd definitely wear it to a Winter wedding or a posh meal. 

One // Two
Sophie says: GOOD LORD I wish I had the confidence to pull this outfit off right now. I shall make that sweet little fishtail dress my ultimate goal.

One // Two // Three
Sophie says: this outfit is hilarious and brilliant, I am in love with Irregular Choice shoes and if a drink could be a Patronus, it would be this Liquid Sarcasm. The SOSD dress doesn't reach my size, which is super important for me to highlight because I actually considered buying this when it was full price and I couldn't. The brand lost themselves a MINIMUM of £100 and I'm confident there were plenty more plus size babes who would have scooped this up in a second!

Hopefully these would be items that Busy Little Fee would feel comfortable in wearing, I know I certainly would!
Finally thank you to the lovely Fee for hosting me on her blog, I hope you have enjoyed my post!


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