Tuesday 15 September 2015

New Year of Life Resolutions

Okay, granted this is a little lame, but it's in my nature to look for any opportunity for a new beginning and a chance to get motivated. I start my second year of University at the end of the month and am super excited to get back in to my routine, so I guess this time of year is like a new start for me. I turned 25 on Sunday, I start second year in a couple of weeks and we're a hop and a skip away from all of my favourite annual celebrations (Hallowe'en! Bonfire night! Christmas! Hurrah!) so here we go. The perfect time to re-evaluate, get myself in check and make myself a couple of promises for my 26th year.

In terms of the blogosphere, I am sucking right now. Don't think I don't know how sporadic I am! And, hello, what is the point in BLF? I want to set this in stone: I don't want to just be lifestyle anymore. In line with my next resolution, I want to make an effort to start blogging fatshion and beauty as well as just keeping y'all posted on my day-to-day.

It's all about body positivity! I want to find clothes that fit & flatter me and I want to tell every woman that she can be beautiful whatever size she is. That's why I want to get into fashion blogging and provide that platform that I spent so long trying to find. On top of this, I want to find my voice and speak up when I need to. Be that at University, in social situations, whatever. Just stop being so afraid and SPEAK!

I am 100% more positive and motivated when my surroundings are organised properly. I still have piles of paperwork that never got filed properly in first year; I am changing my organisation 'system' and I want to extend that into any aspect of my life that it's possible. I'm comfortable when I know exactly what's going to happen and where everything is. I might as well make that easy for myself!

So many memories slip by me because I forget to take a camera. I know it only means I'm too busy enjoying it, but if I took five seconds out of that happy day to take a photograph of us all having a whale of a time together, we'd have evidence of that memory forever. I want to get more photographs printed and start organising our photo albums. Starting with our wedding pictures.

My social anxiety can get really bad sometimes, so I want to push my own limits this year. Speak up, as I said earlier, but also put myself into situations that I would normally avoid. So if I get invited to a meet-up I won't immediately say no because it's easier to miss out than to stress, I'll think about it seriously - whether that's with one friend or twenty. 

Do you make New Year of Life resolutions? I'd love to hear them!

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