Thursday 15 January 2015


Now that I'm happily back into my routine following Christmas, I thought I'd do a little post about my life at University. I've said I'm a student a handful of times, but haven't tended to talk much about what I'm actually studying.

I'm in the first year of a three year course, studying BA History. Within this course I take six modules. It's a lot more reading than many other courses, it sounds very factual and dry and while some of it is, there is actually a lot of room for light-hearted history! Many students take history as a joint-honours course, along with psychology or politics (or teaching, of course) and you can absolutely see why. Social history in particular is a great one for teaming up with psychology: how did people live? Why did that happen to that class, or sex, of person? I study everything from European conflicts and 18th century political groups, through to the definition and history of gender, witchcraft, and the psychology of ordinary Germans (or, more interestingly, Nazis) in Nazi Germany. All of this within the space of my first year.

This is a bit 'different' for the blogosphere, I get that. I get that most people will skip past this post because, hello, who is interested in simply hearing what somebody is studying at University? But I just thought I'd put it out there for anybody who is curious and, more importantly, anybody who is stuck thinking about what they want to do when they finish school.

In terms of job opportunities, they are endless with a history degree. It's one of those brilliant degrees that can get you jobs within many fields because of the basic skills you need to actually obtain a history degree. As for myself, I don't know what I want to do when I leave. Maybe something in an office. Maybe I'll work from home. Maybe head back into journalism. For now, I'm loving learning, loving the structure and believe it or not, even loving the 2000 word assignments that keep cropping up!

What are you studying, or what do you want to study? Did you use your degree? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I'm in the last year of my 3 year joint honours course doing History and Education Studies at the same university as you! University is a great experience and the History department is amazing. I prefer History to Education Studies though.
    When you get to 2nd year you might not love the 2000 word assignments as much! Although because I was joint my essays were always due around the same time but because your Single Honours you might have an easier ride than I did!
    I prefer the Early Modern- early 20th Century parts of the course more. I'm alot more confident on those bits compared to Facism and Communism and all the political stuff!! Which parts are your favourite?

  2. I'm much more into the social than the political. It's just the way my mind works - I find it difficult to take the mechanics of war in straight away so have to re-read a couple of times!
    If you're a 3rd year then good luck with your dissertation!!



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