Friday 23 January 2015

Jelly's Sharing Assembly

Yesterday I spoke about Jelly's past with childhood anxiety, and I just wanted to follow up on that a little bit.

After writing yesterday's post, I went to Jelly's school, and watched her take part in a sharing assembly, which was all about Egyptians. Not only take part, but confidently sing, dance and deliver lines with ease. After the assembly, we had the opportunity to chat to her, tell her how well she'd done and have a look at the Egyptian costume she'd made. She was grinning, mocking her friend (who was acting shy!), jumping up and down and then cuddled us all and said she'd better get back to class. And then she was gone.

Now, this sounds like nothing. But looking back a year, this is a huge deal. In her Christmas play at her old school, she requested a non-speaking part as the idea of speaking in front of anybody caused her to panic. Yesterday, she spoke loudly and clearly and lead others to their lines. Last year, she wasn't sure if she could handle us being there as the idea of saying goodbye to us all over again caused her extreme anxiety. Yesterday, she gave us a quick hug and off she went. These things are huge and should be celebrated. She should feel so proud of herself. I can't believe the difference one year and a good school makes.

Well done, little Egyptian! 

1 comment:

  1. It's so lovely to read this, and the end of your earlier post, and see that everything is going well. :) Congratulations to everyone, especially Jelly!




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