Thursday 1 January 2015

Five Ways to Kick January's Butt

"Morning. How is your head?"

There. Did you see it? That was January. January peering over it's glasses with a patronising look. January knows what you did last night, probably better than you do. And January knows what you've told yourself you're going to achieve this year. January is laughing.

Because let's face it, with all the best intentions at heart and all the powers of positive thinking in mind, yesterday was a day of promising things to ourselves and eachother and now we've woken up and we realise what we actually have to do. 


Fear not, Fee is here. I am a master of organisation, the Queen of grand visions and, in total and complete honesty, a black belt at kidding myself. So let's get real together. Let's kick January's arse.

1. Just because you resolved to stop smoking/lose weight/boost your blog or whatever else in 2015, doesn't mean it needs to happen today. If you eat a cheeseburger or don't write a post today, you have not failed. January just wants you to think you've failed, so that you don't keep trying. Realistic goals are continuous processes, not one-shot deals. Don't pressure yourself to go full-throttle on day one. Ease into it, mama! You only need to answer to you!

2. On a practical note, go eat an orange. Fill one of the empty bottles I'm sure you've got laying around your bed on this January First with water and down the whole thing. Drink something effervescent. It can only help you right now. Trust me. And for the love of God, eat.

3. Take a walk. Take a breather. Get away from everybody around you. Think about your hopes and ambitions. Make realistic plans to take small steps towards them. You're feeling groggy and overwhelmed and all you really need is that crisp January air. Use January to fight January.

4. Read blogs. Immerse yourself in positivity. A few of my favourite positive blogs from December 31st are Faye Olivia, Confetti Letters and OhHay!, because they all talk about what they've achieved and what more they can do. I'm sure you'll find something in common with most if not all of these gals.

5. Don't ignore the things you need to do. Just because it's January 1st doesn't mean that assignment doesn't need to get written (here's looking at you, Fee), it doesn't mean you can't make up orders or clean your oven or whatever it is you need to do. Don't put things off because you're consumed with the now. Oh man, this is a lesson I need to be taking right now. Screw you, January.

And there it is. A guide to January that I hope you can all make use of, and will boost a few spirits. Have a fabulous year, I can't wait to read all about it!


  1. Probably the best post I've read about January! Everything I've read so far is so cliche but I feel rather inspired from this!

  2. Thank you so much, what a lovely comment!

  3. Such a great post! Very inspiring! x

  4. This is really a wonderful post.



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