Friday 1 January 2016

You're Going to Hear Me Roar.

Over the last couple of days I have had some amazing messages from fellow bloggers, reaching out to me and commenting on the impact I have had on their own body positive journeys. I have been called "vital to the movement", and the lovely Kathryn even said that she felt that 2016 would be "my year". Comments like this are just absolutely amazing, and exactly why I'm doing what I'm doing. Positivity is funny - I made you guys feel good, which made me feel good, which motivated me to make you all feel even better about yourselves. And that's exactly how it should be. Get stuck in the positivity cycle!

When I got dressed today, patting myself on the back for a few days of awesome feedback and happy comments, I wanted to feel like a powerhouse. I grabbed a shirt I'd bought from Yours. I remember trying the shirt on, dismayed that it didn't fit properly but hanging it up in my wardrobe regardless because I didn't want to say goodbye to that gorgeous bejewelled collar. But today I didn't care. It didn't matter that I had VBO. It wasn't important that my arms were drowned in fabric to accommodate for the shirt fitting across my stomach. I wore jeans, also from Yours, with slits in the knees - totally outside of my usual comfort zone of fun dresses. I finished my look with a skull necklace James bought for me and a topknot. I felt fierce. And then, in the car, I blared out Roar by Katy Perry and totally revelled in the fact that this is definitely going to be my year. I was fearless, fabulous and totally out of my comfort zone. And I absolutely loved it.

Here's to you stepping outside of your comfort zones. Here's to posting pictures where your arms are drowned and your eyes are closed, where your hairstyle is different from your norm, where your lipstick is faded, where you're halfway between two expressions. Here's to 2016 being your year. 

I am a champion, and you're going to hear me roar.



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