Monday 16 November 2015

OOTD: Polkadot Princess

Jay and I had a trip to Bletchley Park planned today (more on that to come!), so I thought it'd be fun to throw on one of my Lindy Bop dresses and take advantage of the pretty background. 

Unfortunately we couldn't find the 'good' camera so I've had to work with phone pictures, but I felt so cute with my fringe all plaited up and my make-up done that I wanted to take the time to capture the moment. 

I bought this Lindy Bop 'Audrey' polkadot dress  in their sale a couple of months ago, at the same time as two others (which will definitely be making an appearance on the blog asap) and I originally chose black and white because I thought it'd look cute with the pink petticoat I wore at my wedding. I actually found that it has amazing shape even without the petticoat, and teamed with my velvet cardigan from Scarlett & Jo for warmth purposes I felt like a vision in monochrome - despite the battered old blue and white slip-on shoes! Jay hadn't seen it before I put it on (I tend to buy things and put them in my wardrobe so it looks like I've had them for months and he just hasn't noticed), so when he saw it he told me I looked amazing, and he loved it when I wore polkadots. I got a bunch of comments about how dressed up I looked and if I was going anywhere nice, and it felt pretty good to say "nope, I just felt like getting dressed up". Long may this continue!


  1. Lindy bop are great. I love this look on you. I need that velvet cardi, it's perfect.



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