Friday 29 May 2015

Thanks for the Fat Shaming.

We didn't know what to do for lunch today. We needed to grab bits and bobs for dinner, we had a few hours before it was time to pick Mooster and Jellybean up, we figured we'd kill two birds with one stone and have lunch in a supermarket cafe. Breakfasts at Morrisons are usually dee-lish, and we've enjoyed their 'kids eat free on school nights' promotion before, so why not give the lunch a try?

Neither of us got our first choices for lunch, or even our second choices. After a few attempts to order, the lady at the cashier exasperatedly read out a list of all the things they were no longer serving that day. I decided on hunter chicken, which is a chicken breast covered with BBQ sauce and bacon, and Jay had a portion of lasagne. It came with chips, but my partner and I each wanted a portion of 'loaded chips' (chips with a fancy topping) - I wanted pulled pork and cheese, he wanted chilli and cheese. She explained that she couldn't exchange the chips for the loaded chips, I said that was fine, I was happy to pay extra. "Would you like any onion rings with it?" "Oh go on then, why not?"

So then our food arrived. A woman (who had not served us previously, so I don't know her name) brought over a hunter chicken, a lasagne, a portion of onion rings and, for some reason, two BOWLS of cheese. I assume it's because we asked for cheese sprinkled on the chilli & pulled pork and they misunderstood. Another waitress walked past her carrying extra plates and said "have you got everything for that table?" and ours replied "I would imagine so. There's a load of food here." - sting one. Jay had gone to fill my empty glass at this point, so it was just me. "Have you got everything?" "Almost, we're just waiting on two portions of loaded fries" I replied with a smile. I worked in customer service for a decade, so I always make an effort to be extra nice to service staff. "Oh." she said, glaring at me. "Decided to be greedy today, did we?" and stomped off.

The previous waitress with the extra plates walked back the other way, and our waitress said the extra plates were "for the fat ones over there, they've decided to be greedy and order a load of food". I was in the middle of explaining to Jay what she had said, when I overheard the second comment and said "she is literally slagging us off right now". He turned to look at our waitress who stomped back to the kitchen, and the other waitress threw our extra plates down and walked off without a word.

Now, there are a few things I need to point out here. Firstly, this is not a typical representation of Morrisons staff: we have had breakfast there often and the morning shift are a delight. Kind, chatty, I've actually gone out of my way to contact Morrisons with compliments about the morning staff before. Also, I don't know if the waitress who made the comments had some sort of learning difficulty etc - but similarly, the staff at Morrisons don't know if I have body issues, any sort of eating disorder, they don't know anything about me. I might have been going in for an operation so having one big meal before going 24 hours without eating. I might have been homeless and having my only meal of the day. And, actually, none of that matters because I was a paying customer and it was my own damn business how much I decided to eat.

And if anybody is interested, I ate one chicken breast, a couple of onion rings because I can't stand the taste of burned food and the pulled pork off the top of one portion of chips because the chips were rank. What a greedy bitch, right? And would it be any of Morrisons' business if I was? 

What I didn't eat of my 'tonne of food'. Thanks, Morrisons!

For anybody interested, I contacted Morrisons to complain and they said they are sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Words fail me!! What an utter disgrace and I saw their reply to you on Twitter as well which was bloody awful! When will people learn to mind their own business but at the same time that is some seriously shocking customer service! xx



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