Sunday 3 May 2015

In the Revision Pit

Oh man, I am the worst blogger. Mostly because I am never here, but also because whenever I am here I 'accidentally' migrate across to eBay and buy whatever pretty wedding things I set my eyes upon. It's a sickness, I swear to God.

But now I'm here and it's just to talk about being buried alive by revision, really. I've got a work deadline that came and went so I intend to make use of the bank holiday tomorrow to finish that off, and then my first exam is on Thursday which is a little bit scary. I have revised enough to feel like I know what I'm talking about for three subjects, I haven't yet started on the two subjects I have exams for the week after that. I'm worried if I start looking at other subjects I'm going to forget the things I 'know' for my first three exams. In fact, in an anxiety dream I had last night I ended up sitting in an exam room for one module and writing an extensive essay that I was really proud of... For the wrong module. 

I was intending to work on a revision techniques post for my fellow reviskateers (that was shit) but technique number one should almost always be 'don't stop revising to write a blog post nobody's ever actually going to read' so I've had to talk myself out of that one. I might write it in the summer and schedule it for next exam season.

So it was just a quick one today to say yes, I'm here, no, I don't ONLY talk about weddings. Jay is busy finishing up his computer game as his big end of year assignment and it's looking AWESOME so I'm really excited to see the finished product. The kids are good, Mooster had his 2 year check up and we were told he's a little on the chunky side (more to love!) but that there are no concerns, he's either on track or ahead of it. Jellybean is having her BFF over for a sleepover tonight so I'm just hoping it stops raining by tomorrow so they can get outside on bikes or something and not drive all of us crazy! I don't remember being that loud when I was 9. My mother would DEFINITELY agree... ;)

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