Sunday 5 April 2015

To Moo, On Your Birthday.

Good morning Little Moo, and Happy Birthday!

Today you are two, and there could not be a Mum who is prouder than I am. You were born at 9.15pm on the 5th of April 2013 in Bedford Hospital and I didn't see you until the middle of the night some time, when they popped down to let me have a look at you before ANTS arrived to take you off to Addenbrookes. I don't remember your face (Mummy was on a lot of drugs...) and I'm sure you didn't see mine, but you held my finger and I fell deeply in love.

The next morning, they told me you'd arrived safely and that I would be transferred to Addenbrookes once I had recovered enough from my c-section to go to the toilet (sorry for TMI. You're so embarrassing, Mum!) and to walk around. So that was that. I spent the day gearing up for it, then some time in the afternoon I decided I needed to see you as soon as I could and up I got. I don't remember a lot about that day, either, but I do remember walking in to a room of baby incubators, I will always remember the dull beeps of the machines, and somebody in blue scrubs pointing to the top left corner of the room. I didn't need to be told which one you were. The moment I saw you I recognised your face as if it was one I had seen every day of my life. I wasn't allowed to touch you because it stimulated your brain too much and made your EEG go funny, but I couldn't take my eyes off you. I was finally allowed to hold you when you were four days old, so the 9th of April will always be a secret, special little celebration for you and I, one that you'll never appreciate the way that I do, but one that I will always hold dear.

Of course, now I get to hold you every single day. You are a confident young boy, full of excitement. Sometimes you need a little nudge, but once you get started there is no stopping you. I have never known anybody to smile the way that you do. You are full of empathy. If you see me cry, you say 'Mummy sad' and cuddle and kiss me, asking 'Mummy happy now?' until I really am. You say sorry without being asked (usually...), you are using full sentences to talk to me about what makes you happy and what makes you sad. You are fussy with your food which drives me insane but is probably just karma from the years of trouble I gave my own Mum. You are fantastic at making friends and having everybody feel included. You ask me to hold your hand when you're feeling insecure. Sometimes you grab your blanket so you can climb onto my lap and just have me hold you for a while, and I will miss those moments sorely when you're too old and don't want them anymore. I'm excited about what the next year has in store for you. The only way is up, my special boy. Your sister loves you, your Mummy and Dad (and grandparents!) are so proud of you and everybody who meets you sees straight away that you are unique; different; somebody to keep an eye on because, some day, you are going to grow up into a wonderful adult to know.

Mooster, today you turn two. You love: Buzzbee, Frozen, The Simpsons (you call them Simbits), Thomas, owls (you say 'ta-whit-ta-whoooo!), snakes, dinosaurs (you call them dondas), your friends, your family, dragons ('ROOOOOAR!'), counting to ten, Room on the Broom and most of all The Gruffalo (lu-ha-lo). You hate: saying goodbye/being dropped off, tidying up, going to bed without pudding (holy tantrum), when your sister isn't home, wind/rain. ('hood mummy! QUICK! EMERGENCY!'), having your nappy changed.
Before you turn three: You will be in a bunk bed with your sister, which you're going to love. Hopefully you'll be potty-trained, or at least on your way. We'll have your colours nailed, be practising our alphabet and hopefully move from counting to 10 to counting to 20. And I can't wait to hear what words you'll come out with next - you're a snowball of expressions right now.

Happy Birthday, darling Moo.
We all love you more than you will ever know. xxx

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