Sunday 26 April 2015

To Jelly, On Your Birthday.


You were my first. You were the one to teach me that the love between a parent and a child is unconditional. You taught me to be a Mum in my heart before I became one naturally, and I'll always owe mine and your brother's relationship to you. We have our challenges like every mother and daughter do, but at the beginning and end of each day you kiss me and tell me you love me and that is what matters.

As our relationship has progressed you have stopped referring to me as your Step-Mum and gleamed with pride when people describe me as your Mum. You'd fight my battles if I'd let you; your empathy knows no bounds and you'd do anything to ensure other people are happy before yourself. As you grow you are learning sarcasm and wit, and you are cutting and brilliant with it. You're reaching an age where you are curious, we can have candid talks, and you're not old enough yet to resent time with your family which I consider a blessing as the clock ticks you over into your final single digit. I love your humour and your vigour. The world amazes and excites you and I hope you never lose that spark. Don't become jaded by time and heartbreak because, my dear little Jellybean, it is unavoidable but if you have been raised right you are equipped to deal with anything.

Jelly, today you are 9. You love: Monster High, Adventure Time, being outside, riding bikes, doing your make-up, playing on your phone, your best friend T, playparks, getting muddy, your family. You hate: spiders, arguments, stew, rainy days, having your hair brushed.

Before you turn 10: you will be my bridesmaid! I will legally become one of your parents, although we both know I've been one for a long time. While you were 9 you gained confidence at maths and moved up two groups this year so academically, you've already done more than enough! I want you to enjoy reading like I did at your age - because sometimes imaginary worlds are the best places to stay safe. We will be outside every day of the summer, getting our knees muddy, eating picnics and exploring to your heart's content.

Happy birthday, Twinkle
Your Dad, your brother and I love you with all our hearts xxx

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