Friday 13 February 2015

Helluva Manbasket.

I'm going to change the title of this tomorrow after he's actually received his present, but for today, while he is on strict instructions to stay off the blog, this is 'Valentine's Gift'. I'll probably go for something cheesy tomorrow like 'Helluva Manbasket'. (Does anybody get that reference?) edit: Gave it to him! He loved it!

Because that's what I've done for Jay this year, and I'm super excited for him to see it all tomorrow morning. I find it really easy to get him presents generally because through the year I look up everything he says he likes the look of, then add it to my bookmarks. Come birthday or Christmas time, I've got a whole list of ideas to choose from. But Valentine's Day has never been something we've done "proper" presents for. I just wanted this day to be for making him feel special, and what makes someone feel more special and pampered than a personalised gift basket?!

I found the basket on eBay and chose a design that wasn't delicate or floral, so I could be sure it would appeal to his manly side (but I must admit I picked one that I could see a place for in our home!). Inside the basket is a Liz Earle giftset for men, a giant Valentine's Day card, a 'build your own Android app' magazine book, some miniature Whisky bottles and I bought him a year-long subscription to CODE Magazine but the latest issue isn't out yet, so I substituted a little home-made 'coupon'.

Jay studies computer games development at University so, as well as the 'pamper' products (Liz Earle) and 'treats' (whisky!) I got him some things he'd find practical. Hopefully he'll find a real use for the things I got him in the future, and if they're not practical then hopefully he'll at least be interested. I padded out the basket with the tissue paper from inside the Liz Earle package, otherwise I'd have just got some plain tissue paper from a supermarket. I also lined the bottom of the basket with the Liz Earle washcloth.

Happy Valentine's Day, Future Husband! I love you!

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