Friday 6 May 2016

Tiny Rebellions. #FreeWithFee

No matter what size, colour or shape you are, there are fashion 'rules' that you will be told to follow. I am a short, fat woman with an English rose complexion, so here are some things I should never do: 

Wear a maxi dress - it will only drown your short legs
Wear a maxi dress - the floating fabric will only make you look fatter
Dye your hair pink - your complexion is pink enough as it is, that colour will do nothing for you!
Wear anything sleeveless - nobody needs to see wobbly arms, fat rolls, bingo wings, stretch marks... 
Nobody wants to see any body that isn't perfect.

And yet here I am. My fat body is being drowned in light and flowing fabric. You can't even see my teeny tiny legs! All you can see is a shock of pink hair (which seriously needs re-doing! I know!), pale skin and cute little chubby arms. Oh, and a great big smile.

When I took my first steps on the journey of body positivity, I felt sad when I saw people wearing things that I "couldn't" wear, because my body was too this, or too that. But little by little I have added little touches to my wardrobe. Tiny rebellions which break the fashion laws. Crop tops to put over my fat belly and short torso. Vest tops so that my pale, wobbly arms are free. High collars to sit beautifully above my large bust. Being body positive is realising that you never had the "wrong body" to wear certain styles - you just hadn't found that key piece that made you feel amazing yet. The clothes were wrong, not your body.

Forget about policing your own wardrobe, and laugh in the face of anybody who dares police it for you. Be free this Summer! I want to see YOU breaking the rules (rules imposed by yourself, or by others), and absolutely rocking it - share your pics with me by using #FreeWithFee!


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