Tuesday 1 September 2015

Tallulah Dixie.

Please welcome the newest member off our family, Miss Tallulah Dixie Griffiths, or Tilly for short. We picked her up at lunchtime on Saturday from a breeder in Lincoln, making the mistake of telling the kids at the beginning of the week we were getting her - so getting lots of "Is it time to get Tilly yet?" at every opportunity. Finally it was Saturday morning, we had everything we needed, we got minimally lost and got her home again with only one stop (minutes after we left) to wipe poo off a scared little Frenchie.

She is a pedigree French Bulldog and is only eight weeks old. She's brindle in colour, feisty in nature and has captured all of our hearts already. Enough talking, here are some pictures of our gal!

Jelly and I went in to fill out the paperwork and collect her together. The breeder took a goodbye picture!

Now that she's home she's settling in just fine. Jelly is absolutely in love with her, and Moo thinks she's a hoot but is still a little tentative when it comes to getting close to her. He's always been scared of dogs so I'm happy he's even trying, and he'll be sure to be her best friend in his own time. The cats are another story! We've made sure they have lots of places to hide and generally they are just going about their lives pretending there isn't an intruder in their home. If they're forced to be around Tilly they'll puff up and hiss but we won't stand for that, so just let them all stay separate and ignore eachother whenever they do cross paths. Halpert is definitely more aggressive towards her and eyes her up from a distance a lot of the time, and Beesly seems more put out there her perching post (IE me!) is distracted by another little bundle of brindle. We're making sure we each take time out every day to give them their own special attention (and pet the dog smell onto them!) so Tilly can be a settled member of our family once and for all. 


  1. Welcome to the Frenchie club! She's just gorgeous!!
    We have a brindle boy but we got him at 4months so he was pretty big by then.

  2. Welcome to the Frenchie club! She's just gorgeous!!
    We have a brindle boy but we got him at 4months so he was pretty big by then.



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